Eternell – Elysia CD

01. Dancing With Wind
02. Melting While Falling
03. Landing in Being
04. Elysia
05. Lethe
06. Vinden Stillnar


SKU: R-ETNL33-CD Category:

– Elysia –

Can you trace the origin of the gust of wind dancing across your skin? When and where did it begin?

And the drop of water falling from the heavens, to refresh your brow and nourish the ground?

Ceaseless currents move us.
Here and now is our home.
Never is it closer, never further away.

Already here, before your every thought.

Your existence will outlive the mountains.
Your being will reach beyond the sky, surround the faintest star.

Know yourself, then forget yourself.
Dance with the wind.
Melt in every breath.

A glimpse of the process:

“I have (subconsciously) let the elements of air and water be primary movers in shaping this album. I noticed it towards the end. Air and water circulate in our bodies constantly, just as they do across our beloved mother Earth. The elements are messengers that speak to every cell in our bodies. By allowing myself to become more receptive, I begin to be moved by new impulses, in new ways. Finding deeper breaths… The forming of these musical pieces is one expression of my inner process. It now feels like part of my past, as the process of life goes on and continues to expand. Letting the album go represents me turning the focus forward.

Remember sometimes to listen for the love song of Mother Earth in the currents of air and water that caress and nourish all beings.”

— Ludvig Cimbrelius

released May 25, 2018

Music by Ludvig Cimbrelius

Art by Russell Stephenson —

Weight 150 g